Mother Earth

Mother Earth

Friday, November 12, 2010

What I need....

Rain falls as tears from the sky this day. The angels are crying over the way Mother Earth's children no longer live in harmony. In fact it is almost impossible to live in harmony with the rhythm of nature anymore as life is spinning faster and faster and we are supposed to just keep up with things, not ask questions.

But I do have questions. And I want answers! Who say that world leaders and corporate leaders are wiser, and knows better, what will lead to balance, in economy, climate change, susrvival? I say that thay obviously don't know anything but how to make more an more money (that isn't put to work for the good of all).
Who say that it is better to produce more and more and push and push for more advanced techology all the time? I don't! Sure, I couldn't share my thoughts with you here if it weren't for this computer but I don't need a new, faster, more advanced computer in six months to continue to share, do I?  And I don't need a 3D TV to be able to enjoy the programs I like to watch. I don't need a newer, more advanced fridge and freezer to keep my food longer and longer. What I do need is a house to shelter me from the cold and wet weathers, food that are free from chemicals, clothes to cover my body, clean fresh water and air, That's what I need. The rest is what I may want and wish for, but I don't need it.

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